Екібастұз қаласы
№22 С. Торайғыров атындағы
гимназия-мектебінің география пәні мұғалімі
Сапарғалиев Жангелді
Сынып: 6
6 th form
Пән: География
Subject: Geography
Theme of the lesson: Geographical maps and general information about cartography
Form of organization: traditional class work
Demanded level: To give knowledge on geographical maps, their types and importance, cartography and its sections.
development: To develop the ability of working with maps, drawings.
educational party: To educate to work in team, to treat with responsibility to educational materials and to cultivate humanity.
Methods: stating, question-answer, work with textbook
Presentation: interactive board, slide-show, atlas, political map of the world.
Plan of the lesson: Organizational moment
Checking home task
Explaining the new theme
fixing knowledge, conclusion
Giving home task
lesson current :
І. Let’s answer the questions on the last lesson
- What is the average thickness of the earth crust? The average thickness of the earth crust is under the ocean from 5 to 10 kilometers, On the continent from 35 to 40 kilometers , In the mountain areas to 70 kilometers.
- What depth is Mohorovichich plast? (2900 км).( Two thousand nine hundred kilometers)
- What thickness is an astonosfer? (It’s thickness is 200-300 kilometers of the top cloak)
- How rocks are classified? (magma, met morphs and sediments)
- What kind of rocks is taking the most part of the earth crust? (magma)
Explaining the new theme
The theme of today’s lesson is
Geographical maps and general information about cartography
The geographical maps are the view of the earth surface form which are defined by the mathematical ways, diminished and collected