Басы » Шет тілдері » They’re going to get married

They’re going to get married

Ажар Тулеубаева
Жамбыл облысы
Меркі ауданы
№Тілеміс батыр орта мектебі
Тулеубаева Ажар Абылаевна
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі

 10-2Grade: 8

Teacher: Tuleubaeva A.A.

Theme of the lesson: They’re going to get married
Aim of the lesson:  1.To learn the students the future simple and explain them how to 

                                   use   verbs “will” and “going to”

                                2.To develop the students oral speech and reading skills

                               3.To bring up the students to keep the traditions
                                                            Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organizing moment. (2 min.)
    a) Greeting

T:Good morning, students!

S:Good morning, teacher!

T:How are you today?

S:We are fine, thank you. And you?

T:I’m fine, too. Thank you. Sit down, please!

  1. b) To prepare students for the lesson.

Now, students open your books and copybooks and get ready for the lesson.

-Are you ready for the lesson?

-Yes, we are ready.

-Now, what is your home task for today?

-Our home task is to learn by heart the new words and match the  sentences.

Checking up the home task. (8 min.)

Ok, let’s check up your home task.

-Look at these pictures and answer the questions. What’s this?

-It’s a cake.

-Is it a nice cake?

-Yes it is.

-Do you like it?

-Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.



-What are these?

-They are candles.

-When do you use them?

-On holidays, on birthdays.


-What are they wearing?

-They are wearing New Year’s costumes.

-What are these?

-These are decorations and fireworks.


Now, let’s match these sentences.

  1. If you see a spider in your home, /b/
  2. If you swim in the sea on Good Friday, /d/
  3. If a baby is born at the time of a full moon, /f/
  4. Unless you clean your house before New Year’s Eve, /e/
  5. You won’t have a happy marriage /g/
  6. If you blow out all the candles on your birthday cake and make a wish, /a/
  7. You’ll get rich /c/


  1. a) your wish will come true.
  2. b) you’ll soon have guests.
  3. c) if you keep a piece of snake skin in your wallet.
  4. d) you’ll turn into a fish.
  5. e) you’ll have bad luck during the new year.
  6. f) he or she will have a happy future.
  7. g) unless you wear something red on your wedding day.

So, students we have finished our home tasks and now let’s practice your speech skills.


  1. Phonetic drill. (3 min.)

Now look at the slide and listen to me attentively. Today we’ll learn to pronounce a sound Ww.

W w [w]

Why do you cry Willie?

Why do you cry?

Why Willie, Why Willie,

Why Willie, Why?

Repeat after me all together. Let’s read this poem.

T→S.   T→S1, S2, S3

/Dania, Madina, Ernur,Asilbek, Darkhan/  -Ok, very good.

III. Warm up. (2 min.)

You see these pictures. Now tell me what do you see?

-What celebration is this?



-It’s a birthday.

-Do you like to celebrate it?

-Whose birthday is it?




-It’s Halloween.

-What can you say about this holiday?

-It’s Christmas.

-Where do the people celebrate this holiday?

-They celebrate it in GB, in the USA, in Canada



-It’s wedding.

Every person pays more attention to the wedding celebration, because it will be only one time in every life.


  1. (15 min.)

So, students today we are going to talk about the marriage. Now, let’s listen to the dialogue. This dialogue is happened the day before Beth and Andy’s wedding.  They’re getting married at eleven o’clock tomorrow and they’re having the reception at a local hotel.

They’re going to get married

Beth: Mum, Andy’s going to invite two more people – two of his old school friends. So there’ll probably be two more at the reception.

Mrs Gray: Beth! There won’t be enough room for them.

Beth: Don’t worry, Mum. It won’t be a problem.

Mrs Gray: Well, I hope not. I’ve just had a call from the baker’s. They won’t be able to finish the cake this afternoon.  We’ll have to pick it up tomorrow morning.

Beth: Who’s going to pick it up?

Danny: Shall I get it? Andy could take me on his motorbike.

Beth: My wedding cake on the back of Andy’s motorbike? No way!

Mr Gray: I’ll get it, Beth. I’ll go after breakfast. OK?

Beth: Yes, I guess so. Thanks, Dad.

Mrs Gray: Barry, have you checked the batteries in the video camera?

Mr Gray: No, but I haven’t forgotten. I’m going to look at it after dinner.

Danny: I’ll do it now if you like. Mum, relax! Everything will be fine!

Mrs Gray: Oh, I hope so!




-Have you any questions about this dialogue? Do you have unknown words?

If you understand, now listen again and find answers to these questions:



What has Andy decided to do?

-Andy’s going to invite two more people — two of his old school friends.

  1. Why does Mrs Gray think it’ll be a problem?

-Mrs Gray thinks it’ll be a problem, because it won’t be enough room for them. (For Andy’s old school friends).

  1. Is Beth worried about it?

-No, she  isn’t. She doesn’t worry about it.

  1. When will the cake be ready?

-the cake will be ready in the morning at weddings day.

  1. Who’s going to pick it up?

-Mr Gray is going to pick it up.

  1. When’s he going to get it?

-He’s going to get it after breakfast.

  1. What does Danny offer to do now?

-Danny offers to check the batteries in the video camera.


So, students, what have we discussing about?

-We have talled about future actions.



Now I want to explain you the future with will and going to.



Future Simple


We use will (‘ll) + verb when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. We often use I’ll when we offer to do something.


Tomorrow, next Monday, next January, next day, next month, in a few days, next year


I’m sure Tom will be a good architect.

I’m twelve now. I’ll be thirteen next year.

My parents won’t agree with this idea.


Will they buy the textbook?

Will you join us the day after tomorrow?


                             to be going to…

We use going to + verb to talk about our intentions when we’ve already decided what to do.


I                        am/am not        

You                  are/aren’t

He, She, It       is/isn’t                        going to be a singer

We                  are/aren’t

You                are/aren’t

They              are/aren’t




Am I

Is he, she, it                                           going to be a singer?

Are we, you, they

Now, students look through the text and read the sentences in the Future Simple.

1.So there’ll probably be two more at the reception.

2.There won’t be enough room for them.

3.We’ll have to pick it up tomorrow morning

4.I’ll get it, Beth. I’ll go after breakfast

5.I’ll do it now if you like. Mum, relax! Everything will be fine!


And now find the sentences with …going to.

Andy’s going to invite two more people – two of his old school friends.

Who’s going to pick it up?

I’m going to look at it after dinner.


  1. (5 min.)

If you understand, let’s do the exercise number 4, at page 75.

Choose the right words.

  1. I’ve bought this poster for my room. (I’ll/I’m going to) put it over my desk.
  2. Clare’s gone to the library. (She’ll/She’s going to) do her history essay.
  3. Winston isn’t here now, but I think (he’ll/he’s going to) be back soon.
  4. Why don’t we stop at the café? (I’ll/I’m going to) buy you a cup of coffee.
  5. Our neighbours have sold their house. (They’ll/They’re going to) move to Italy.
  6. I’m making a salad. It (won’t/isn’t going to) take long.




  1. (4 min.)

Now students, imagine you are friends of Beth and Andy. And give answers for my questions. So, Zhanel answer

-What are you going to wear to the wedding?

-I’m going to wear my new suit.

-What about you Sagindik?

-I haven’t decided yet. I’ll probably wear my new skirt and my black jacket.

-When will you go to the wedding part?

-I’ll go there at 7.30.

-What gift are you going to give?

-I’m going to buy a bucket of red rose.


  • (3 min.)

-Did  you understand the new theme?

-Have you got  any questions?

-Will you use ‘will’ and ‘going to’ in your speech?
 VIII.  Home Task. Marking. (3 min.)

Your home task is to write 5 sentences about a celebration that’s happening soon: a birthday, a wedding, etc.


Now, give me your diaries.  Your marks are Dania 5

Sagindik 3

Madina 5

Ernur 4

Asilbek 3

Araylim 5

Zhanel 5

Abzal 4

Arnabol 4

Baurzhan 4

Akadil 4

Zh.Madina 5


-So, students, our lesson is over! Thank you for your attention. All of you were active. Good bye!


-Good bye, teacher!


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