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There is a swimming pool next to my house

БҚО. Жаңақала ауданы. Пятимар ауылы.
Пятимар орта  жалпы білім беретін мектебінің

ағылшын тілі мұғалімі

Гульнар Кумаргалиевна Кайржанова

Theme:  There is a swimming pool next to my house
Aims of the lesson: To develop the pupils interest in the subject of English. To develop their abilities in speaking , reading , listening ,writing and understanding . To teach pupils to love and respect the language.
Visual aids: pictures.
The procedure of the lesson.
I.Organization moment:
II. Phonetic drill.
We like to swim
We like to play
Come to the river
With us today
III. Check up home task: Your home task was to speak about your room
T: Who wants to speak about your room? P1, P2, P3
IV. Today we have new lesson. The theme of the lesson “There is a swimming pool next to my house’’.
V: New words:
Someday, favourite, want , by plane
By train, by bus, in a car
VI. Warm up: Read the dialogue and interview your classmates
VI. Speak about your interview . Read. Ex:2 P.130
VII. Listen and read. Ex:3, p130
VII. Talk to your claasmate. Use the words in the box.
go shopping
go for a walk

I wantto …                             playchess

drink some juice

listen to music

learn English

talk my friend

 VII. Listen and read.

EX.5 p131

VIII. Study these pictures. Listen and read.

IX. Open you books at page 132Read the task to your classmate. Ex:8

I want to go to Japan by plane.

I want to go to  Russia by plane.

I want to go to….

I want  to swim in a swimming pool.

X. Listen and read

-Do you want to go to Japan?

-Yes. No.

-Do you want to go to …. by plane .

XI. Conclusion of the new lesson.Where do want to go someday? What do you want to see?

T: Artur: Where  do you want to go someday?

Artur: I want to go to Astana. I want to go  to Astana by train. I want to see the Monument of Baiterek. I want to see the Duman center in Astana.

T: Dilnaz: Where  do you want to go someday?

Dilnaz: I want to go to Almaty . I want to go by plane. I want to see Medey.

T: Erdaylet: Where do you want to go someday?

Erdaylet: I want to go to France. I want to go by plane. I want to see Eiffel Tower.

 XII. Hometask: To revise the covered material.

XIII. Marks:

XIV. The lesson is over . Good –bye, children!




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