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A day in my life

Piatimar secondary school
Open lesson
“A day in my life”
Objectives  educational : to be  able  to speak  about the  family , time  , jobs, to
check  pupils’  knowledge  on the  theme.
Practical: to develop   listening , writing  and  speaking  abilities ;to check
knowledge  of the  vocabulary .
Developing : to  stimulate  pupils  to learning   the  foreign  language.
Visual  aids:  a computer,  a project  cards, the  wallpaper ,pictures.
The  procedure  of the  lesson.
I.Organization  moment:
1. Greeting
-Good  morning, children!
-Good morning ,teacher!  I  am glad to see you!  Sit down ,please.
-Who is on  duty today?  — I am  on  duty  today .
-What is the date  today ?     The  24th of  December.
-What day is it  today?   —   Today is  Tuesday.
2. Beginning  of the lesson.
T: -Today  we  will  revise  previously  studied  material  and speak  about the week .
We have  an  unusual  lesson- a competition  lesson.
II. Warm –up.
T:  I’ll give  yousome   riddles  and you  try  to find the answer s.
Listen  carefully.
1.This is a house
With  one  window  in it,
Showing  films
Nearly  every  minute.
2 .It is running
Night  and  day
But  it never
Runs  away.
III .Checking  the  home task.
IV. Presentation of the  new  material.
T: -The  theme  of our  lesson  is ‘’Omar’s day’’. Today  we have  a demonstrative  lesson  and  you  will : a) show  how  you  know  new words , how  you  can  use  them;b) speak about  yourself.

Introduction  new words:
To do morning exercise –таңертеңгі  жаттығу  жасау
To have  breakfast- таңғы ас  ішу
To have  lunch–түскі ас  ішу
To have supper – кешкі ас ішу
To get up –ұйқыдан тұру
To go to bed –ұйқыға  жату
To go to school –мектепке  бару
To go home –үйге  бару
School  starts–сабақ басталады
School  finishes–сабақ аяқталады
To do  your  homework –үй тапсырмасын  орындау

To watch TV-телевизор  қарау

To  wash-жуыну

In the  morning – таңертең

In the  afternoon-түстен  кейін

In the evening-кешке

2.Work with the text.

Omar’s day.

My name is Omar   and I’m  eleven. I come from   Kazakhstan but   I live  in London.I go to school. I get up  at  half past  seven  in the  morning   and I have  breakfast  at  eight  o’clock. We learn  English,French, Mathematics Science,History, Geography,Art, Computer  Studies  and  Home  Economics. I like  Maths and  English  but  I don’t  like  History. Lunch  is at  one o’clock. I have  lunch  at  school. In the  afternoon  we have  lessons  or sport . School  finishes   at a  quarter  to three. I go home . Before supper  I read  or play  with  my  English  friends. We  have supper  at  seven  o’clock  and then  I do my  homework  or watch  TV.I go  to  bed  at ten  o’clock.


V.Phonetic  drill:

-All   girls run!

-Boys  run  too!

— Boys run to me!

-Girls  touch  the floor!

-Boys  and girls  fly!

VI. Revision

Ex:4, p.94. Read  the dialogues

-What’s the time?

-It’s two o’clock.

Ex:5, p.94. Point  and say.

1It’s two o’clock . It’s a quarter  past  twelve. It’s eleven o’clock.

VII.Children  ,look at your books Ex:8, p.94. Right(  ) or  wrong ( x)

  1. Omar twelve  years  old.

  2. He lives  in Astana  now.

  3. He gets up at half  past  seven .

  4. He has breakfast at  half past  eight.

  5. He has  lunch at  one o’clock.

  6. He has supper  at six o clock .

  7. He has  five lessons every day.

  8. He goes  to bed  at  nine o’ clock.

  9. School  starts  at  ten  o’clock  in the morning.

10)School  finishes  at  three o’clock in the afternoon

VIII. Conclusion.

Complete  the sentences.

  1. Omar lives in …..

  2. He likes…….

  3. He gets up…….

  4. He has breakfast  at …..

  5. He  has  lunch at…..

  6. He has  supper  at …..

  7. He has …….lessons  every day.

  8. He goes  to bed  at ……

  9. School  starts  at…..

IX . Answer the questions.

  1. What time do  you get up?   I get up at …..

  2. When does he read?   He reads    ………

  3. When do you read?    -I read …..

  4. What subjects do you like ?   — I  like  …..

X.  Hometask.

Ex:17, p.96. Read the text.  Exercise  3write  about  your day.

XI.Giving  marks.




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