Басы » Шет тілдері » Customs and traditions

Customs and traditions

Маңғыстау гуманитарлық колледжінің арнайы пәндер оқытушысы
Мереева Клара Сандировна
I. The theme of the lesson: “Customs and traditions
II. Aims of the lesson:
1.Educational: to teach students to work creatively and get deeply information aboutcustoms and traditionsin Kazakhstan .
2. Developing: to improve oral speech, critical thinking and attention abilities, to practicegroup-pair work and solutions of problems.
3. Bringing up:To teach students to love and to know their customs and
traditions and to keep them.
III. The type of the lesson: Combined lesson  
IV The aids of the lesson: Interactive board, text books, cards, computers,posters, printed materials.
The procedure of the lesson:
I. Organization moment:
a) checking availability of study and students to the lesson.
b) greeting and  chatting with the duty.

II. Brainstorming. Answering the questions
Today we’ll have unusual lesson, because it’s demonstrative lesson and there are guests at our lesson. You are welcome dear guests, we are glad to see you!
We ’ll talk about the British and Kazakh beliefs, and about Kazakh customs and traditions. And now answer my questions please.
1. Do you know any British beliefs?
2. What things are connected with the British beliefs?
3. Do you know any Kazakh beliefs?
4. What things are connected with the Kazakh beliefs?

III. Talking about British and Kazakh superstitions
I see that you know about the things that connected with the British and Kazakh beliefs but can you tell what will happen if they use these things.
Now let’s work with the pictures, you’ll see the thing and say what superstition is
connected with this thing? Let’s look at the board and see what is the first thing?
1. What superstition is connected with an(umbrella)?
2. What superstition is connected with the (dog)?
3. What superstition is connected with the (shoe)?
4. What superstition is connected with the (horse)?
5. What superstition is connected with the (pregnant woman)?
The next Kazakh tradition is connected with the life of the people. What traditions are they? Slides of wedding ceremony,betashar,hobbles cutting.

IV. Introduction with the new words:

bride –  [braid] — келіншек-невеста

bridegroom — [bridgrum] – күйеужігіт -жених

fiancée — [fia:n’sei] – келін- невеста

fiancé — [fian’sei] — күйеужігіт-жених

abduct — [әеbdΛkt] – алыпқашу-украсть

consent — [kәnsent] – рұқсат-разрешение

hobble — [hobl] — сүріну-споткнутся

rite — [rait] – дәстүр-традиция

carcass — [ka:kәs] – сойылғанқой, ешкі-зарезанныйбаран

tolash — [lәеς] – қамшыменұру-ударитьплеткой

tosnatch — [snәеtς] – ұстапалу-схватить

camisole — [kәеmisәl] – камзол-камзол

V. Introductory of the lexical theme:

Read , translate the texts:“Wedding ceremony”,“Betashar”,“Hobbles cutting”.

                               Wedding Ceremony

  In Kazakh tradition, the wedding lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking.Either the fiancé sends matchmakers to his bride`s parents, or he abducts his fiancée.In the first case the matchmakers, who are the fiancé`s relatives, bring rich gifts to the bride`s parents and ask their consent to the marriage.This negotiation is called the cudatusu.If the bride,s parents agree, then they fix the date for the wedding day.

   Sometimes it is the bride who has the right to choose to accept the offer.Instead of a direct refusal, the girl would give the man some difficult task.A legend tells about such a case.Abylai Khan fell in love with a beautiful girl from a poor family.But she already has her intended- an ordinary warrior.As do not hurt the Khan`s feelings and bring his anger on her family, the girl asked the Khan to shoot an arrow beyond the mountain near a lake.The girl went to a rock in the middle of the lake to watch the competition.However the Khan tried to shoot the arrow high in the sky, it would not rise beyond the mountain.Since then, the mountain is called Okzhetpeswich means “Not achievable with an arrow” in Kokshetau.The girl decided that if Khan fulfilled her task, she would jump from the rocky island onto the stones.That is why the lake is called Zhumbaktas which means “a riddle – stone”.


The beautiful custom of  Betashar  — the ceremony of uncovering bride`s face.A bride, her face covered with a vale, is introduced to her bridegroom`s relatives.The toast-master  of  the  festival, usually an akyn ,  introduces  all  the  guests  to  the  bride (often with a song ).The  girl has  to  bow  to  her  future  relatives, and  they, in their  turn, put  money  on  a  tray  before her  feet as the toast-master`s  reward for his work(and may not).Any of  the  bride`s  relatives  may  express his  wishes to the bride.

 Hobbles cutting

      When a baby begins to walk, he undergoes another  ancient   rite –the hobbles cutting.A hobble of rope round a child`s legs is tied. It looks like a figure –of – eight. The child has to make a few steps and then the hobbles are cut with a knife by the most respected guest, one whose life is a worthy example. By cutting the hobbles he blesses the baby to go through his own life more successfully.

            VI. Comprehension check. True or false statements.
You have got some information about traditions of Kazakhstan. Now I want to check you if you remember them. It’s comprehension check. True or false statements.
1. In Kazakh tradition, wedding ceremony lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking. T
2. The bride hasn’t bow to her future relatives. F
3. The hobbles aren’t cut with the knife by respected guest. F
4. One of the horse — riders with the goats carcass in his hand raced far ahead. T
5. All the participating young men try to catch a young girl — rider. T
6. The shapan is woman’s outer robe made of velvet. F
7. The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over
the shirt or dress. T
8.Kebis is the kind of head wear for men and women. F
9. The takhia is a men’s everyday cap which covers the top and the back of the head. T
10.Tymak is made of from birds’ fur. F

VII. Complete the sentences

  • The Wedding lasts ____________ (40 days).

  • This negotiation is called ________ (the Cudatusu).

  • The mountain is called __________ which means “Not achievable with an arrow” (Okzhetpes).

  • The lake is called _________ which means “a riddle — stone”.(Zhumbaktas)

  • The ceremony of uncovering bride’s face is ________ (Betashar)

  • The akyn introduces to the bride __________ (bridegroom’s relatives)

  • The hobbles cutting is _________ rite (ancient)

  • The hobbles are cut __________ (with a knife by the most respected guest)


VШ.Kazakh customs and traditions. Making associationstrategy.


Now we’ll talk about Kazakh customs and traditions. You know that Kazakh people have traditional food, traditional costumes and traditional games. Now you’ll write associations on these themes. And then you’ll divide them into groups according to their using or ingredients they made of and so on.
Kazakh food: food made of milk, food made of meat, food made of flour
Kazakh costumes: national head wears, national food wears, nationalcostumes.
Kazakh games: horse games, holiday games, every day games.


Kazakh food




Kazakh costumes




Kazakh games:




IX. Relaxation: the poem «My Motherland, My Kazakhstan”

My motherland, she’s so beautiful and bright

She gives me home, a shelter and light.

And we are proud of her history,

Full of struggles and victories. We got this country from God as a gift,

Not just to take, but mostly to give.

Our motherland takes care of you and me,

And only here can we stay forever free. We are proud to be her loyal kids,

She brings us up, teaches and leads

She’s our life, she is our best part,

She’s our soul, brain and heart. My motherland, you’re so beautiful and bright,

May we be strong to keep your shining light.

Reserved task.Сinquаin

• 5 lines of poem

• Tradition

• Interesting, important

• Using, spending, keeping

• Tradition is important for people

• Tradition – custom

Conclusion of the lesson.Insert.

What do you learn at this lesson?

I know

I havelearnt

I wanttolearn

I know Kazakh culture, traditional food

 I learnt Kazakh traditions: Wedding, Betashar, Hobbles cutting, traditional horse games, traditional costumes

I want to learn Kazakh tradition erulik,besikkesalu.


X. Home task. Get ready for the test on theme:
“ Customs and traditions ”

Giving marks. End of the lesson.
I think we have an interesting lesson today. Your marks.
Our lesson is over. Good bye!


            VI. Comprehension check. True or false statements.
True or false statements.
1. In Kazakh tradition, wedding ceremony lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking.

2. The bride hasn’t bow to her future relatives.

3. The hobbles aren’t cut with the knife by respected guest.

4. One of the horse — riders with the goats carcass in his hand raced far ahead.

5. All the participating young men try to catch a young girl — rider.

6. The shapan is woman’s outer robe made of velvet.

7. The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over
the shirt or dress.

8. Kebis is the kind of head wear for men and women.
9. The takhia is a men’s everyday cap which covers the top and the back of the head.

10. Tymak is made of from birds’ fur.
VII. Complete the sentences

  • The Wedding lasts ____________ (40 days)

  • This negotiation is called ________ (the Cudatusu)

  • The mountain is called __________ ehich means “Not achievable with an arrow” (Okzhetpes)

  • The lake is called _________ which means “a riddle — stone” (Zhumbaktas)

  • The ceremony of uncovering bride’s face is ________ (Betashar)

  • The akyn introduces to the bride __________ (bridegroom’s relatives)

  • The hobbles cutting is _________ rite (ancient)

The hobbles are cut __________ (with a knife by the most respected guest)


1. In Kazakh tradition, wedding ceremony lasts 40 days beginning with matchmaking.

2. The bride hasn’t bow to her future relatives.

3. The hobbles aren’t cut with the knife by respected guest.

4. One of the horse — riders with the goats carcass in his hand raced far ahead.

5. All the participating young men try to catch a young girl — rider.

6. The shapan is woman’s outer robe made of velvet.

7. The camisole is an overcoat both for men and women put over
the shirt or dress.

8. Kebis is the kind of head wear for men and women.

9. The takhia is a men’s everyday cap which covers the top and the back of the head.

10. Tymak is made of from birds’ fur.


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